Database of Orillia Companies

We are compiling a list of all companies that existed in Orillia and area from 1850 to 1980. Click on the company name to see more details if we have them. This is a work in progress, any information you can add about any aspect of these companies would be greatly appreciated.

 Id  Company Name Started Ended Location Owner or President
187 Orillia Creamery Co. Ltd. 1921 1967 North of Market Square at 17 Coldwater Road. Access to the Creamery was from three laneways. Coldwater Road, Albert St. and the top of Andrew St. John Lewis Beaton
186 Orillia Clothing Mfg. 1910
185 Orillia Clothing 1956 1963
184 Orillia Carriage Fac. 1871 1895 Albert and Coldwater Streets.
183 Orillia Brewery Co. 1871 Brewery Bay on Couchiching Thomas Williams
182 Orillia Art Craft 1963
285 Olympic Candy Works see Stovers 1810
181 Oliver Machinery 1933
180 Old Orillia Foundry 1871 1900 S/E corner Laclie and Tecumseth Streets. 1 1/2 acres Frances Tutton and Sons. Frank and Fredrick
179 Olan, B. J. 1937 1950

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