Database of Orillia Companies

We are compiling a list of all companies that existed in Orillia and area from 1850 to 1980. Click on the company name to see more details if we have them. This is a work in progress, any information you can add about any aspect of these companies would be greatly appreciated.

 Id  Company Name Started Ended Location Owner or President
9 Bartaco Ind. Ltd. 1961 1990 Robert Barr
10 Bartholmew & McBain 1871 1879
11 Baskerville, Wm. 1889 1889
12 Beaver Boat, Marine 1960 1961 Atherley Road near Gill
13 Beecher & Sillaman 1872 1872
14 Beers Dairy 1939 1956 92 Colborne East J. F. Beers
15 Begg, James B. 1894 1897 Lot 15 West Front Street.
16 Berry, George 1872 1872
18 Black,. Geo. M. 1884 1889
277 Blacker Joe 1880s 160 Mississaga St. E. corner of Marchadash

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