Database of Orillia Companies

We are compiling a list of all companies that existed in Orillia and area from 1850 to 1980. Click on the company name to see more details if we have them. This is a work in progress, any information you can add about any aspect of these companies would be greatly appreciated.

 Id  Company Name Started Ended Location Owner or President
118 Hunter A. P. Boats 1932
119 Hunter Enterprises ltd. 1974 took over Tudhope Specialty Ltd. 1990s 1 Colborne St. West Don Hunter
278 Huntly Elliott Boatbuilder 1886 1891 Foot of Colborne Street on waterfront. Elliott Huntley
120 Hurls Dairy 1911 1967 24 Elgin then 78 West St. S. Albert Hurl and son Jack Hurl
121 Huronia Building Prod. 1958
122 Huronia Canvas 1956
123 Husband, Richard 1869 1871
124 Inch, Ben
125 Ingenious Devises 1967
232 J.H. Ross Boat and Canoe Co. 1890 1964 waterfront at north of Mississaga St John Henry Ross

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